Monday, May 16, 2011

Finals are Finally Here!

Hopefully you've been practicing good study habits this week and gotten plenty of sleep! But the big test day is finally here and our friends at the Academic Access and Achievement Center have some great test taking tips to share!

General Suggestions

  1. Take all necessary materials and get there early, but not too early!
  2. Sit in the front of the room (or in a distraction-free location).
  3. Take a wristwatch for keeping track of your time.
  4. Preview the exam by skimming it and planning your time.
  5. Read all directions carefully.
  6. Leave nothing blank unless told directly that there is a penalty for guessing.
  7. Don't change Answers without good reason!

For Multiple Choice Tests

  1. Read the stem and predict the response, without looking at the answers. If you don't see your answer, read all choices, considering each as it fits with the stem. Regard each as one true/false statement and eliminate the false statements.
  2. Be careful of negatively worded questions: "All of the following except..."
  3. Look for cues and clues:
    • The most general alternative is often correct.
    • One of two similar alternatives may be correct.
    • One of two opposite alternatives may be correct.
    • None- or all-of-the-above alternatives are often correct.
    • The middle value, or least extreme alternative is often correct.
    • The longest, most inclusive alternative is often correct.

For True/False Questions

  1. Watch for qualifying words that can make a statement false: all/none; never/always;everything/nothing; best/worst. If you can think of a single exception, the statement is false.
  2. Read two-part statements carefully; one part may be false, making the entire statement false.
  3. Be careful of double negative statements.
  4. With the odds at 50/50, always make your best guess and remember: Absolute statements tend to be false. Items that contain unfamiliar terminology or facts may be false. When all else fails, it is better to guess "true" than "false." (True statements are easier for instructors to write.) 

Just remember what you have learned and trust yourself! Keep up the great work ladies :) We know you'll make the Greek community proud!

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