One of the head recruitment counselors, Caroline, has a few tips for women going through Fall Formal Recruitment.
"Fall Formal Recruitment is right around the corner! Even though the end goal of recruitment is exciting, I haven’t met a single woman who isn’t nervous and uneasy at the beginning of the process. What you need to remember is that the women in the chapters are just as nervous and excited to meet you as you are to meet them. Recruitment is the most important event of the year because you are the women who are the future of each chapter. The chapter’s goal is to impress you and make you feel as comfortable as possible so that you want to come back and learn more. While the women in the chapters are excited to talk with you, it is important that you ask questions that you have as well. The conversations need to be as 2-sided as possible as opposed to one person constantly asking questions and the other always answering.
As I’m sure many of you know, there are stereotypes for each chapter on our campus. One of the best things you can do before beginning recruitment is forget everything you have heard. Regardless of the supposed validity of stories or rumors, there is no chapter with strictly one type of person. Each chapter is diverse and unique in it’s own way, and you will learn this quickly as the week progresses. With the amount of women in the chapters, it is impossible to not find someone you enjoy talking to and spending time with. The chapter members are going to be as genuine as they can be so that you get a real feel for what they are about. Since they are being genuine with you, your best bet is to be as authentic as you can be with them. In doing this, you’re going to give yourself the best chance possible at ending up in a chapter that you will love all four years at KU.
You will all be in a recruitment group with 20-30 other women, and two Recruitment Counselors. Utilize these women during the process. You will have at least 20 other women who are experiencing the exact same thing as you are. Hang out with them and get to know them because the women in your group could end up being some of your best friends. Your Recruitment Counselors are there for you 100 percent of the time. That is their reason for being there. Anytime you are feeling uneasy or unsure about something, talk to them about it. They are there to offer you guidance and to help you wade through your emotions (which are sometimes high during this week) to figure out how you are really feeling and what you really want. For the entirety of recruitment week, they will be more than happy to talk to you at any hour, day or night.
Finally, have fun!! That is the key to a successful, enjoyable week. You having fun will translate into conversations in the chapters as well as helping others around you keep their spirits high. If you are enjoying your week, it will make the process so much better for you. When you are going through some long days, because there will be a few long, tiring days, just remember how much you will benefit from sticking it out in the end. It can be one of the best experiences of your life, but it is up to you to make it that way!"
Monday, May 30, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
Finals are Finally Here!
Hopefully you've been practicing good study habits this week and gotten plenty of sleep! But the big test day is finally here and our friends at the Academic Access and Achievement Center have some great test taking tips to share!
Just remember what you have learned and trust yourself! Keep up the great work ladies :) We know you'll make the Greek community proud!
General Suggestions
- Take all necessary materials and get there early, but not too early!
- Sit in the front of the room (or in a distraction-free location).
- Take a wristwatch for keeping track of your time.
- Preview the exam by skimming it and planning your time.
- Read all directions carefully.
- Leave nothing blank unless told directly that there is a penalty for guessing.
- Don't change Answers without good reason!
For Multiple Choice Tests
- Read the stem and predict the response, without looking at the answers. If you don't see your answer, read all choices, considering each as it fits with the stem. Regard each as one true/false statement and eliminate the false statements.
- Be careful of negatively worded questions: "All of the following except..."
- Look for cues and clues:
- The most general alternative is often correct.
- One of two similar alternatives may be correct.
- One of two opposite alternatives may be correct.
- None- or all-of-the-above alternatives are often correct.
- The middle value, or least extreme alternative is often correct.
- The longest, most inclusive alternative is often correct.
For True/False Questions
- Watch for qualifying words that can make a statement false: all/none; never/always;everything/nothing; best/worst. If you can think of a single exception, the statement is false.
- Read two-part statements carefully; one part may be false, making the entire statement false.
- Be careful of double negative statements.
- With the odds at 50/50, always make your best guess and remember: Absolute statements tend to be false. Items that contain unfamiliar terminology or facts may be false. When all else fails, it is better to guess "true" than "false." (True statements are easier for instructors to write.)
Just remember what you have learned and trust yourself! Keep up the great work ladies :) We know you'll make the Greek community proud!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Alpha Delta Pi Founders Day: May 15, 1851
Happy Birthday to the women of Alpha Delta Pi! Founded on this day in 1851, at Wesleyan College in Macon, Georgia.
Founder Eugenia Tucker decided to form a secret society for women and asked five friends to help her. Those friends were; Ella Pierce, Octavia Andrew, Bettie Williams, Sophronia Woodruff and Mary A. Evans. The following biographies were taken directly from the Alpha Delta Pi National website at
Eugenia Tucker
Eugenia Tucker was just sixteen years old when she left her family home in Laurens County, Georgia, to enter Wesleyan College.
Elizabeth Williams Mitchell
Elizabeth was born in Marion County, South Carolina, and is the only Founder who was not a Georgia native. Her father was a doctor and trustee at the Georgetown Methodist Church. Undoubtedly, this association with the church influenced Elizabeth's decision to attend Wesleyan, more than 450 miles from her home. She married Thomas Mitchell, a Methodist minister, and they had five children. "Bettie" as she was known at Wesleyan, died in 1884, just 13 days after the death of her eldest son. Our archivists have been unable to locate a photograph of Elizabeth.
Founder Eugenia Tucker decided to form a secret society for women and asked five friends to help her. Those friends were; Ella Pierce, Octavia Andrew, Bettie Williams, Sophronia Woodruff and Mary A. Evans. The following biographies were taken directly from the Alpha Delta Pi National website at
Eugenia Tucker
Eugenia Tucker was just sixteen years old when she left her family home in Laurens County, Georgia, to enter Wesleyan College.
![]() | Ella Pierce Turner Ella's interest in education was inherited from her family. Her father, Dr. George Foster Pierce, served as the first president of Wesleyan Female College and later served as president of Emory University. Ella was described as a "most charming young lady with seriousness of purpose and great determination." Ella had twelve children and her legacy lives on today with the many family branches that have ties to Alpha Delta Pi. |
Octavia Andrew Rush Only 13 years old when she made the journey to Wesleyan, Octavia was the daughter of Bishop James Andrew who was the ranking member on the original Board of Trustees that started Wesleyan. After graduating, Octavia married John Wesley Rush, an Emory law student. They had ten children and John abandoned his law studies to become a Methodist preacher. During the Civil War, Reverend Rush went to defend the South and was captured in battle. Octavia remained a scholar and continued her involvement with Alpha Delta Pi until her death in 1917. Like Ella, many of Octavia's descendents are Alpha Delta Pi sisters. | ![]() |
Elizabeth Williams Mitchell
Elizabeth was born in Marion County, South Carolina, and is the only Founder who was not a Georgia native. Her father was a doctor and trustee at the Georgetown Methodist Church. Undoubtedly, this association with the church influenced Elizabeth's decision to attend Wesleyan, more than 450 miles from her home. She married Thomas Mitchell, a Methodist minister, and they had five children. "Bettie" as she was known at Wesleyan, died in 1884, just 13 days after the death of her eldest son. Our archivists have been unable to locate a photograph of Elizabeth.
![]() | Sophronia Woodruff Dews Sophronia was born in 1835 in Augusta, Georgia and her family moved to Columbus, Georgia before Sophronia turned five. Her father, Dr. Michael Woodruff, was a prominent physician in Columbus, in addition to serving as a city alderman and president of the Muscogee Bible Society. Sophronia received her A.B. degree from Wesleyan in 1852. The subject of her commencement composition was "Selfishness - the Axis on Which the World Turns." Sophronia died in 1913 at the age of seventy-eight. |
Mary Evans Glass Mary was born in Forsyth, Georgia in 1833. Like many of her Adelphean sisters, her father was a Methodist minister. He also served on the Wesleyan Female College Board of Trustees for forty years. Mary received both a literary and a musical education, graduating from Wesleyan with distinction. She married Sanford Glass, a lawyer, and they had one child before Mary's husband died in the Civil War. She went on to teach at a private school and until her death in 1914, remained very active with Alpha chapter in Macon. | ![]() |
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
For the Guarding of Good Health: National Women's Health Week
All sororities have a motto, creed, purpose or set of values they strive to live by. The Panhellenic Association as a whole has a creed as well. At the beginning of every council meeting we state this creed. Part of our creed states, "We, as Undergraduate members of woman's fraternities, stand for... (the) guarding of good health..." This week, the National Panhellenic Council and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Office on Women's Health are celebrating National Women's Health Week.
National Women's Health Week runs from May 8-14 and this year's theme is "It's Your Time". As Panhellenic women it is our time to live up to our creed and make our health a top priority! provides a list of suggestions and steps for women to improve their overall health and wellness. The following are some of their suggestions that I paired with information on campus resources that can help you achieve your health goals! suggests:
1. Getting at least 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate physical activity, 1 hour and 15 minutes of vigorous physical activity, or a combination of both, each week.
3. Visiting a health care professional to receive regular checkups and preventive screenings. suggests:
1. Getting at least 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate physical activity, 1 hour and 15 minutes of vigorous physical activity, or a combination of both, each week.
- Take advantage of the Ambler Student Recreation Fitness Center on campus. Remember it is free with your KUID! They have a wide variety of work-out equipment, racquetball and basketball courts and even a rock wall. Check out their website at for more information on services they provide and their hours.
- Celebrate the sunshine by grabbing some of your sisters and playing tennis, beach volleyball or taking a nice scenic jog around campus! Tennis and beach volleyball courts are open to students and located behind Robinson Gymnasium. Inside Robinson you can also get a great workout by going for a swim. Find open swim hours on their website at
- Have a question about healthy eating or want a few more tips and suggestions for healthy snacks? You can attend "Ask-A-Dietitian" at the Ambler Student Fitness Recreation Center every Monday, 3 - 5 pm for free. Registered dietitian Ann Chapman will be there answering any questions and she is also available by appointment to discuss any dietary concerns.
- Student Health Services also offer menu consultations for Greek houses. Talk to your housing director or chapter president and get more information at
- To find more articles about healthy eating and topics like; how to eat healthy in the residence halls, avoiding the Freshman 15 and suggestions of healthy snacks visit the Health Hawk website at
3. Visiting a health care professional to receive regular checkups and preventive screenings.
- Students can visit Watkins Memorial Health Center right on campus! You can either call to set up an appointment or even make your appointment online at Check out their website for more information on hours and services offered.
- College can be stressful but sometimes students choose to release that stress and escape reality by engaging in some risky behaviors. Take the e-Chug assessment from Hawk Health at for information like how many calories you consume while drinking alcohol, how much money you spend on alcohol and personalized feedback on your drinking habits.
- To read articles about health and safety in nightclub communities, smoking and prescription drug abuse check out the MyEscape section of Hawk Health at
- Finals week is coming up, which means stress levels are at their highest and hours of sleep are at their lowest. Check out the Academic Access and Achievement Center website for tips on how to study and guidelines for relaxation and reducing stress and
- KU also offers Counseling and Psychological Services for students who would like help managing family and interpersonal relationship problems as well as other stresses of college life. Visit their website for more information
Monday, May 9, 2011
Greek Tradition: Great Grades
Did you know that for the past 30 years the KU Greek GPA has remained above the KU All-Student GPA? Take advantage of being Greek and all the resources our community has to offer within the next two weeks. Use Greek Tutors, they are free and always willing to help! Ask your sisters to help you study by quizzing you on your flash cards or making sure you stay focused. Have a quick question on a tough subject? Chances are someone in your house is a math wiz, or is practically fluent in French. Your sisters are a great resource.
Keep up the great work and use this week before finals to start studying early and avoid cramming or pulling an "all-nighter". Here are a few tips from the Academic Access and Achievement Center on how to study effectively.
Top Ten Tips For Better Study Habits
F 7:30am - 10:00pm
Sa 9:00am - 10:00pm
Su 10:00am - 11:00pm
F 8:00am - 6:00pm
Sa noon - 5:00pm
Su 1:00pm - 10:00pm
F 8:00am - 5:00pm
Sa noon - 5:00pm
Su 1:00pm - 10:00pm
Sa 10:00am - 5:00pm
Su noon-midnight
Sa noon - 4:00pm
F 8:00am - 8:00pm
Sa 10:00am - 8:00pm
Su 10:00am - midnight
Fall/Spring: M-R 10:00am - 5:00pm, 7:30pm - 9:30pm
F 10:00am - 5:00pm
Su 7:30pm - 9:30pm
Summer: M-F 8:00am - noon, 1:00pm - 5:00pm
Fall/Spring M-R 7:50am - 7:00pm
F 7:50am - 4:30pm
Su 3:00pm - 7:00pm
Summer: 8:00am-4:30pm
Fall/Spring: M-F 8:00am - 5:00pm
M-Su 8:00am - midnight
M-F 7:00am - 10:00pm
M-F 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
M-Sa 8:00am - 11:00pm
Su noon - 9:00pm
M-F 9:00am - 5:00pm
M-F 6:00am - 9:00pm
M-F 8:00am - 5:00pm
M/W/R/F 9:00am - 5:00pm
T 9:00am - 6:00pm
Keep up the great work and use this week before finals to start studying early and avoid cramming or pulling an "all-nighter". Here are a few tips from the Academic Access and Achievement Center on how to study effectively.
Top Ten Tips For Better Study Habits
1. Plan two hours study time for every hour you spend in class.
If you are taking 15 credit hours, plan to spend 30 hours per week studying. The benefits of following this rule will be apparent at exam time.2. Study difficult (or boring) subjects first.
Most of us tend to do what we like first, yet the courses we find most difficult often require the most creative energy. Save the subjects you enjoy for later.3. Avoid scheduling marathon study sessions.
When possible, study in shorter sessions. Three three-hour sessions are far more productive for most people than one nine-hour session. When you do study in long sessions, take a planned break every hour. If you must study in a large block of time, work on several subjects and avoid studying similar subjects back to back.4. Be aware of your best time of day.
Many people learn best in daylight hours. Observe yourself, and if this is true for you, schedule study time for your most difficult subjects when the sun is up.5. Use waiting time.
Five minutes waiting for a bus, 20 minutes waiting for the dentist, 10 minutes between classes - waiting time adds up fast. Have short study tasks ready to do during these times.6. Use a regular study area.
Your body knows where you are. When you use the same place to study, day after day, your body becomes trained. When you arrive at that particular place, it will automatically sense that it's time to study. You will focus your concentration more quickly.7. Don't get too comfortable.
In bed, your body gets a signal. For most students, it's more likely to be, 'Time to sleep," rather than, "Time to study!" Give your body a message that energy is needed. Put yourself into a situation that supports that message.8. Avoid noise distractions.
Don't study in front of the TV. Turn off the stereo. The overwhelming majority of research indicates that silence is the best form of music for study.9. Pay attention to your attention.
Breaks in concentration are often caused by internal interruptions; your own thoughts jumping in to tell you another story about the world. When that happens, notice the thoughts and let them go.10. Use a library.
Libraries are designed for learning. Entering a library is a signal to your body to quiet the mind and get to work. Take advantage of the following seven libraries we have on campus!Anschutz Science Library
Open 24 hours per weekday, opening at 10 am Sunday and closing at 8 pm Fridays
Wheat Law Library in Green Hall
M-R 7:30am - 11:00pmF 7:30am - 10:00pm
Sa 9:00am - 10:00pm
Su 10:00am - 11:00pm
Murphy Art and Architecture Library in Spencer
M-R 8:00am - 10:00pmF 8:00am - 6:00pm
Sa noon - 5:00pm
Su 1:00pm - 10:00pm
Music Library in Murphy Hall
M-R 8:00am - 10:00pmF 8:00am - 5:00pm
Sa noon - 5:00pm
Su 1:00pm - 10:00pm
Spahr Engineering Library at Learned Hall
M-R 8:00am - midnight F 8:00am - 8:00pmSa 10:00am - 5:00pm
Su noon-midnight
Spencer Research Library
M-F 8:00am - 5:00pmSa noon - 4:00pm
Watson Library
M-R 8:00am - midnightF 8:00am - 8:00pm
Sa 10:00am - 8:00pm
Su 10:00am - midnight
Resource Centers
Architectural Resource Center
4th floor Marvin864-3244
Slide Library 405 Marvin
M-F 8:00am - noon, 1:00pm - 5:00pmHatch Reading
Room 407 MarvinFall/Spring: M-R 10:00am - 5:00pm, 7:30pm - 9:30pm
F 10:00am - 5:00pm
Su 7:30pm - 9:30pm
Summer: M-F 8:00am - noon, 1:00pm - 5:00pm
Ermal Garinger Academic Resource Center (EGARC)
4070 Wescoe864-4759
Fall/Spring M-R 7:50am - 7:00pm
F 7:50am - 4:30pm
Su 3:00pm - 7:00pm
Summer: 8:00am-4:30pm
Learning Resource Center (LRC)
110 Pearson864-3464
Fall/Spring: M-F 8:00am - 5:00pm
Computer Labs
Computer Lab LocationsBudig Hall Main Computer Lab
10 Budig Hall864-0161
M-Su 8:00am - midnight
Fraser Computer Lab (4 Fraser)
864-0218M-F 7:00am - 10:00pm
Gale Sayers Computer Lab
104 Pearson864-3057
M-F 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Herb Harris Student Computing Lab
452 Kansas Union864-0218
M-Sa 8:00am - 11:00pm
Su noon - 9:00pm
Robinson Computer Lab
130 Robinson864-3052
M-F 9:00am - 5:00pm
Reading Rooms
Howey Reading Room of Business and Economics
M-F 6:00am - 9:00pm
Journalism Reading Room
M-F 8:00am - 5:00pm
Moore Reading Room
Smith Hall864-4664
M/W/R/F 9:00am - 5:00pm
T 9:00am - 6:00pm
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Beta Chi Chapter of Sigma Delta Tau
Happy Birthday to the women of Sigma Delta Tau here at KU! The national Sigma Delta Tau chartered the KU colony as the Beta Chi Chapter on May 5, 1985. In the fall of 1987 they aquired their current house at 1625 Edgehill Road. The sixteen women who founded the Beta Chi chapter were:
- Julie Ables
- Robyn Levine
- Brenda Ashner
- Amy Mandelmen
- Fay Feldman
- Lori Nuddelman
- Jodi Harris
- Charlotte Ross
- Robyn Hart
- Janice Sherry
- Lori Kagan
- Michelle Weisman
- Lindley Kimbrough
- Jill Zakon
- Wendy Kirsch
- Lisa Zurovsky
Information taken from
Monday, May 2, 2011
Circle Of Sisterhood: The Story of Neth, Chapter 2
Chapter Two
Neth was very pretty, short, and light-skinned. She looked fourteen or fifteen, but she thought she was much older than that; she had no idea of her actual birth date. A female cousin had taken Neth from their village, telling the family that Neth would be selling fruit in Poipet. Once in Poipet, Neth was sold to the brothel and closely guarded. After a check by a doctor confirmed that her hymen was intact, the brothel auctioned off her virginity to a Thai casino manager, who locked her up in a hotel room for several days and slept with her three times and he later died from AIDS. Now Neth was confined to the guesthouse and was young enough and light-skinned enough to rent for top rates. When she was allowed to go out into the village she was under close watch since there was fear that she would run away. However, this is something Neth wouldn’t even consider doing out of fear of getting beaten.
Nick bought Neth for $150 and returned her to her home village. Neth opened up a grocery shop, which initially was a thriving business. Unfortunately men in the area took advantage of uneducated women and would take her things without paying. After the decline of her shop Neth almost got back into trafficking but was stopped by a member of the American Assistance for Cambodia named Bernie. Bernie arranged for Neth to move to Phnom Penh and study English and hair dressing. She excelled in this and wanted to own her salon. During her time there Neth found out that she had AIDS and became deathly ill and discouraged. Neth fell in love and married a man named Sothea and they had a baby. During her pregnancy Neth found out her previous AIDS diagnosis was false and that she was actually HIV negative. Neth got back on her feet and pursued her career in hairdressing and is now working as a manager in a small shop near her home village gaining experience so that she can open up her own shop in the near future.
Hawaiian parable: A man goes out on the beach and sees that it is covered with starfish that have washed up in the tide. A little boy is walking along, picking them up and throwing them back into the water. “What are you doing, son?” the man asks. “You see how many starfish there are? You’ll make a difference.” The boy paused thoughtfully, and picked up another starfish and threw it into the ocean. “It sure made a difference to that one,” he said.
Story summarized from Half the Sky by Nicholas D. Kriston and Sheryl WuDunn, Vintage Books, 2009
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