Friday, June 24, 2011

Dispelling Recruitment Myths: Letters of Recommendation

You Need a Letter of Recommendation in order to receive a bid from a specific chapter. FALSE

We have received numerous calls in the Panhellenic office worried about this myth. The summer before I went through recruitment I was scrambling to find letters for all 13 chapters at KU. I asked almost everyone I had ever met, hoping and praying they were Greek. I wish I had known that this Recruitment myth was just that, a myth.

Letters of Recommendation are not necessary for membership in a particular chapter. Recruitment is a week-long mutual selection process, and I strongly believe that at the end of the week each individual ends up where they are supposed to be. Ask any member of a Panhellenic sorority here at KU and she will tell you that her chapter has become a home, and she couldn't imagine it any other way. Things always seem to work out the way they should.

However, if you would like to send in Letters of Recommendation it certainly can't hurt you. You can ask family members, mothers of your friends, friends of your mother, anyone that can speak to your character. If you are still really set on obtaining letters for every chapter at KU and you don't know women affiliated with a specific chapter, the Alumnae Panhellenic of Greater Kansas City is a great resource. These women will be happy to write letters of recommendation. Their website is or you can email for additional information.

Just remember that Recruitment is meant to be a fun process, allowing all the participants to meet new people and have great conversations. There are no "secrets" to recruitment. You don't need anything special, just yourself and a smile!

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